Well, here it is New Year's Eve again. Will we all fall for the hype about New Year's Resolutions? How many New Year's Resolutions are actually kept after Day 1?
Gee - I just want to get through graduate school.
Do you remember the Twilight Zone episode in which the librarian finally gets enough time to read the books? I feel like that. I never get to read what I want to read. I have to read all that theory! YUCK.
However, I did read an interesting article this morning about using iTunes in schools. I just know we should be utilizing that technology in a more efficient manner, I am just not sure how to go about this using my own teaching style and the limited technology and access that we have at our school.
Almost all of my students have an iPod or MP3 player of some sort. Wouldn't it be great if we could assign podcasts as outside "reading"? What about creating their own podcasts? I know this is doable...just gotta get the higher ups to listen.
Yep, put that on my to do list for AFTER graduate school.