Rachael's trip

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Setting Goals

I am one tired puppy! I have enjoyed the Christmas Holidays with family and friends but this chick is tired! I want to curl up on the couch with a good book and camp out there for at least two days! Alas, there is too much to do....

A couple of weeks ago, I was inspired by the song "Happy Christmas" which got me to thinking about the passing of a year and "what have I done". I do want to take time to reflect on my accomplishments over the past calendar year and set new goals for next year. Not resolutions per se, but goals to work toward.


*lost 30 pounds
*obtained a Master's Degree in Middle Grades Education
*got a new job at the Middle College
*started my Tastefully Simple Business

*walk in a diabetes walk this spring
*begin PhD program
*cook my way through the Telephone Pioneer Cookbook and blog about it
*get training in the teaching of economics

I have always found that writing out my goals helps me to accomplish them. So, here we are a simple set of goals that are simple and obtainable. Lets see how things look one year from now...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

At a party ranch in texas

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Birthday America

Sometimes I don't think we realize how lucky we are to live in a country that grants us such freedom. We take for granted our freedom of speech and our freedom to worship as we wish. We have the right to disagree with our leaders and to poke fun if we wish.

The recent election and ensuing violence in Iran should teach us that as Americans, we have never known, at least not in my lifetime, the violence that can happen when a government changes hands. We go to that little voting booth - at least some of us do- exercise our right to vote and then watch and see what happens. We are extremely lucky to live in a democracy that truly works.

As a special birthday wish, I want to include a Tribute to America from my daughter who sang our National Anthem at Hickory Motor Speedway.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson RIP

Goodbye to Michael Jackson. His music touched us all.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Driver introductions
Just saw qualifying. Pulling for 60 and 27

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Favorite Things

The last couple of days, I have discovered a couple of new small joys that are making my life easier and more enjoyable. I thought I would share.

First, I tried Rainbath body oil by Neutrogena. I found a bottle that was unscented. I can't believe how soft it makes my skin! My legs get so dry and itchy sometimes that I will scratch them until they bleed. Rainbath goes right on after a shower and feels really great. No more scratchy bleeding legs!

Next, I bought a new digital download album from Mailboat records. Jimmy Buffett did an impromtu show at Margaritaville in Key West which was recorded. I love it! My new favorite song is "A Lot To Drink About" - a light hearted look at the frustrations, economy, and political climate right now. Then, while I was in the Jimmy Buffett spirit, I purchased the new Summerzcool single. I have been just jammin' in the morning getting ready for school!

Do you have any new favorite things that are making your spring a little more enjoyable? Share them with us!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama's Press Conference

I think the president did a good job on his press conference last night. It is so refreshing to watch a press conference and not have to worry about how and when the leader of this great nation is going to embarass us all!

We do not have to agree with our president on all issues. That is the beauty of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I believe we need to give our leaders the respect they deserve. I was NOT a George Bush fan for many reasons that I won't go into here. However, I believe he deserved the respect due to the President of the United States.

I was fortunate enough to travel with Rande to Lithuania a few years ago. Those people had only been independent for about 9 years at that point. As I listened to those folks, I could hear the pride in their voices and the love of their new found freedom. I wondered if our forefathers felt the same way. I realized that as Americans who have experienced freedom for over 200 years, we have become a little lackadaisical in our thinking. We only complain, we take our freedom for granted, but most of all, we don't exercise our right to vote.

Those of you who have been complaining. Did you vote? I am going to tell you what I tell my Civics students. If you don't exercise your right to vote, then in my opinion, you lose your right to complain. You had your chance to make your voice heard - you didn't exercise that right.

Think about YOUR Bill of Rights. What rights do you have? What privileges do you have just because you live in the great country? What responsibilities do you have as an American? Think of these things before you complain.

I challenge you to respond to this post. Tell me what you learned in Civics class and/or how you feel about our country.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

End of the semester

This is my final full semester of graduate school. As I reflect on this 2 year journey I realize just how much I have learned.

Experience had taught me a great deal about these squirmy people we call middle schoolers but, graduate school confirmed what my instincts were telling me. I learned so many new strategies like backwards planning and creating integrated units. I learned that intrinsic motivation is more important and that all young adolescents not only develop at different rates physically, but emotionally as well. I also learned how to conduct my own teacher research study.

I learned that all middle school teachers are a little nuts. We were a group of around 15 middle school teachers who's experience ranged from 2 - 25 years. It is amazing all the talent that was in that room on any given night. I am honored just to have spent the past two years learning with them all.

After a five week session in summer school, I will finally have earned that Master's Degree. I am glad that I have done it and given the opportunity - I believe I would do it again.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Obama Effect

As much as I would like to think that the Obama effect will help the test scores of low performing black students, I am afraid that NCLB has made such a mess of the education system, that nothing short of a complete overhaul of American Education is going to help these students right now.

Since the early 2000's we have taught kids that hard work does not matter. All someone has to do is sit, do nothing, and then pass a test at the end of the year to go on to the next grade. Sometimes, they don't even have to pass the test if their parents complain loudly enough and to the right people. As a result, many students at my school, which is 51% non-white, don't think there is any reason to show effort at all - except for three days at the end of the school year.

Look at the young people coming out of college, businesses are complaining that they have no work ethic, that parents are too involved with their work life, and they can't think for themselves. This "mark C" generation as I call them think that the world owes them everything. After all, they don't have to work, just mark C and 80% of the time, that will get them what they want. No Effort involved!

I am afraid that we have made such a mess of things, its going to take another 100 years to recover.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Took my phone to get it fixed

Tips and Tricks

I have made it past the 20 pounds that my doctor recommended and to the first goal set by Weight Watchers on weightwatchers.com. I am really jazzed.

Now I ask, what are your best weight loss tips/tricks or recipes? Lets get the discussion rolling!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Buffett in 10 days
On my way home

Friday, April 10, 2009

In wv

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What do I miss most? Crafting

Every Sunday it is the same routine for me. I get up before everyone else, take my Fossamax, read through google reader and then drink my coffee.

As I journey through this place called Graduate School, I have had to make many sacrifices. Time with my family, extra money that could have been earned, peace of mind, hobbies, reading are just the tip of the iceberg. Today, as I was reading through some craft blogs, I realized that this was what I miss the most. Being able to sit down and make something.

I don't remember the last time that I was able to sit down and make a scrapbook page. I would truly love to refashion some of the clothes that are too big for me now that I have lost some weight. My crafting was always my down time and my creative outlet. Now that I don't have that, I feel truly depressed most of the time.

I have many ideas bookmarked and tagged right now. I totally enjoy seeing what other people have been doing, and reading about their experiences but, I am totally jealous!! That's probably not a good thing to admit is it? I keep reminding myself - "Self, you can do what ever you want after July1" Does anyone know how many more days that is???

I guess for now, blogging will just have to be my creative outlet.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

please check out my donor's choose grant. Finish Strong Learn strong. www.donorschoose.org

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

remember to check out our podcasts! http://ping.fm/c4UMO
Yesterday we were talking about the next unit in Social Studies. I told the kids that we were going to study WWI and WWII. One of my sweet sixth grade boys asked me, "Can we do WWII first?"

Don't you just love middle schoolers?
Testing ping fm

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Middle School Conference

I finally got to go to a Middle School Conference. I must say, now I understand why people get fight to get to go. I totally enjoyed myself and learned so much that I am energized and ready to finish the year.

I attended mostly technology sessions. I learned some editing tricks in audacity which totally helped our podcasting ability. I learned about videoconferencing in North Carolina and the opportunities there. I was educated on using cell phones in class. I saw how AVID can work effectively to motivate students and learned how to use the newspaper ma ore effectively with my kids.

Wow, that's a great deal of info in just a couple of days and definitely not everything! I enjoyed our keynote speaker who really has me thinking about my teaching practice. I guess I have taken too many shortcuts during my stint in graduate school which I promise NOT to do after I graduate this spring. Thank goodness my middle schoolers are a forgiving bunch!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Early morning snow day pics.

These are from a quick video I took with my flip cam. Isn't it just beautiful out there?


WOW! A snow day! What should I do with myself? I am not totally sure. I just love these unexpected days off. I like the possibility of a whole day to just catch up on the little things that have been neglected or to just hang out watching the fire in the fireplace.

I can't wait to get outside and take a few pictures. The neighborhood just looks beautiful. I know that Rachael will be excited about sledding. So, I am sure that hot chocolate is probably on the menu today.

Rande has gone out for his morning walk. He will bring home the "road report" I am sure.

I will write more after I get some pics! 'Til then.....TTFN!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Obama's Education Plan

This event looks as though it might be interesting.I think we should all log in and take a look. As teachers, it is time to have a voice.


North Carolina Social Studies Conference

I went to the Social Studies Conference this week and was pleasantly surprised at how much fun I had working with the new and preservice teachers. What energy they bring with them! I remember how that felt and I must say, that just being around them gave me a pleasant boost for my own reserves.

I hope that they were able to take some of my information and use it for their own practice. As a 25 year veteran, I don't always feel like I am all that special. I just get in the classroom and survive. Maybe we teachers have be brow beaten so much by lawmakers, newsmakers and administrators that we believe them. I don't know. But, it was sure nice to get a postive shot in the arm from these young people.

One thing that I learned from this conference is that I love Social Studies. I figured out that is why kids like my class. They get that I am sharing something that I truly love with them. Kids respect that in their teachers.

If you haven't been to a conference in awhile, it is time that you do. Maybe you will get the shot in the arm that you are looking for. The NC Middle School conference is next month. I am really looking forward to that one now.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Scrapping incentive pay

I just read an article in Teacher Magazine reporting that Kanawha County teachers will lose their perfect attendance incentive pay. I understand this is necessary in today's economy. However, I cannot believe Pete Thaw would like to punish teachers with poor attendance rates.

I have been gone from Kanawha County 10 years but, Pete Thaw is still causing trouble. This time, making a fool of himself on a national scale. Why do you people keep electing him? Its an embarrassment.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Using Federal Dollars

I work in a Title One school. That means that we receive Federal Assistance in the form of taxpayer dollars because 51% or more of our students are on free/reduced lunch. (Live at or below poverty level).

Our paperwork load is unbelievable. We have to document everything to the point that very little time is left to actually plan engaging lessons for our students. We are doomed to repeat the cycle of failure that the money is there to prevent.

If we are expected to account for every dollar spent why shouldn't banks be held just as accountable? I can assure you that no public school or school system received anywhere near the amount that these financial institutions did to avoid the crisis of their own making. We, the American People, must insist that Wall Street be held just as accountable, if not more, than our public school teachers.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to Work Day - Am I burning out?

So, this is it...back to school for the second half of the year. Those two weeks off just weren't long enough. I want to sit and sip another cup of coffee. I want to spend time with my family.(My husband took time off during the holidays as well.)

This break taught me that it is time to retire. When I started teaching, my dad told me that when it wasn't fun anymore, it was time to get out. That way, you are not in danger of becoming one of THOSE teachers...you know the ones. The ones who should have left a long time ago, but stay. Then, no one remembers that they were EVER a good teacher, just one that shouldn't be there. That is my biggest fear, that I will stay too long and turn into one of those.

Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but is 25 years too long to do the same thing? Do I need just a change in scenery? Grade level? I am starting to feel burnt out and this break didn't help me at all. Unless it helped me to face the fact that I am burning out?

What to do about teacher burn out? You tell me.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

IPOD covers

I just saw this idea on my Google Reader. I think this is so cool! Just an easy way to spend an afternoon with the kids without spending an exhorbatant amount of cash. This would also make a good mother's day gift or valentine. I am going to try to get $ for these in a grant. I think my homeroom would love to make them.
