Rachael's trip

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to Work Day - Am I burning out?

So, this is it...back to school for the second half of the year. Those two weeks off just weren't long enough. I want to sit and sip another cup of coffee. I want to spend time with my family.(My husband took time off during the holidays as well.)

This break taught me that it is time to retire. When I started teaching, my dad told me that when it wasn't fun anymore, it was time to get out. That way, you are not in danger of becoming one of THOSE teachers...you know the ones. The ones who should have left a long time ago, but stay. Then, no one remembers that they were EVER a good teacher, just one that shouldn't be there. That is my biggest fear, that I will stay too long and turn into one of those.

Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but is 25 years too long to do the same thing? Do I need just a change in scenery? Grade level? I am starting to feel burnt out and this break didn't help me at all. Unless it helped me to face the fact that I am burning out?

What to do about teacher burn out? You tell me.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

IPOD covers

I just saw this idea on my Google Reader. I think this is so cool! Just an easy way to spend an afternoon with the kids without spending an exhorbatant amount of cash. This would also make a good mother's day gift or valentine. I am going to try to get $ for these in a grant. I think my homeroom would love to make them.
