Rachael's trip

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Obama's Education Plan

This event looks as though it might be interesting.I think we should all log in and take a look. As teachers, it is time to have a voice.


North Carolina Social Studies Conference

I went to the Social Studies Conference this week and was pleasantly surprised at how much fun I had working with the new and preservice teachers. What energy they bring with them! I remember how that felt and I must say, that just being around them gave me a pleasant boost for my own reserves.

I hope that they were able to take some of my information and use it for their own practice. As a 25 year veteran, I don't always feel like I am all that special. I just get in the classroom and survive. Maybe we teachers have be brow beaten so much by lawmakers, newsmakers and administrators that we believe them. I don't know. But, it was sure nice to get a postive shot in the arm from these young people.

One thing that I learned from this conference is that I love Social Studies. I figured out that is why kids like my class. They get that I am sharing something that I truly love with them. Kids respect that in their teachers.

If you haven't been to a conference in awhile, it is time that you do. Maybe you will get the shot in the arm that you are looking for. The NC Middle School conference is next month. I am really looking forward to that one now.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Scrapping incentive pay

I just read an article in Teacher Magazine reporting that Kanawha County teachers will lose their perfect attendance incentive pay. I understand this is necessary in today's economy. However, I cannot believe Pete Thaw would like to punish teachers with poor attendance rates.

I have been gone from Kanawha County 10 years but, Pete Thaw is still causing trouble. This time, making a fool of himself on a national scale. Why do you people keep electing him? Its an embarrassment.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Using Federal Dollars

I work in a Title One school. That means that we receive Federal Assistance in the form of taxpayer dollars because 51% or more of our students are on free/reduced lunch. (Live at or below poverty level).

Our paperwork load is unbelievable. We have to document everything to the point that very little time is left to actually plan engaging lessons for our students. We are doomed to repeat the cycle of failure that the money is there to prevent.

If we are expected to account for every dollar spent why shouldn't banks be held just as accountable? I can assure you that no public school or school system received anywhere near the amount that these financial institutions did to avoid the crisis of their own making. We, the American People, must insist that Wall Street be held just as accountable, if not more, than our public school teachers.