Rachael's trip

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Setting Goals

I am one tired puppy! I have enjoyed the Christmas Holidays with family and friends but this chick is tired! I want to curl up on the couch with a good book and camp out there for at least two days! Alas, there is too much to do....

A couple of weeks ago, I was inspired by the song "Happy Christmas" which got me to thinking about the passing of a year and "what have I done". I do want to take time to reflect on my accomplishments over the past calendar year and set new goals for next year. Not resolutions per se, but goals to work toward.


*lost 30 pounds
*obtained a Master's Degree in Middle Grades Education
*got a new job at the Middle College
*started my Tastefully Simple Business

*walk in a diabetes walk this spring
*begin PhD program
*cook my way through the Telephone Pioneer Cookbook and blog about it
*get training in the teaching of economics

I have always found that writing out my goals helps me to accomplish them. So, here we are a simple set of goals that are simple and obtainable. Lets see how things look one year from now...