Rachael's trip

Friday, June 7, 2013

Advice to my 15 year old self

As part of an ad campaign, a beauty company asked what beauty advice you would give to your 15 year old self. Of course, the famous quote "Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize." came to mind first. But, I began to ponder and eventually came up with these thoughts that weren't all about beauty.

  1. Don't care so much about what other people think. Go about the business of finding out who YOU are as a person. 
  2. The pretty girls? The ones who are so stuck up now and bitchy? Most of them  will be fat and ugly 10 years after they get out of high school.
  3. Take every type of class you can - even the ones that you don't think you will like. They will provide background for something that you want to do or learn later in life.
  4. Have fun! Try new things! Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something or try to make you afraid. Go for it!
  5. Being nervous is OK - don't use nerves as an excuse not to do something. Just take a deep breath and get on with it. 
  6. Friendships end. It is sad, but it is true. There is no reason to have hard feelings. Hang on to the fond memories, but go on with your life. There is always someone new just around the corner.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Things are ok RIGHT NOW!

This week, I have been reflecting on this paraphrase from my devotional book I read each morning. I says something like "Things are not GOING to be ok, things are ok RIGHT NOW!" The point is not to get so involved in the journey that you don't see the good things that are a part of your daily life.

Today, my daughter goes to her first prom. We had a wonderful time yesterday having mani-pedi's at a new little spa that has opened up here in our town. We made this a before prom and Mother's Day activity combination trip. I was so relaxed that I promptly fell asleep when I got home!

I want to savor today! I want to make memories with my family. Why focus on getting the kids raised and graduated only to miss out on the good stuff that is around me? We will have our day and have memories to share.

Things are ok RIGHT NOW! Don't forget to stop along the journey and savor the moment!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Its been awhile...

I haven't written in awhile, so I thought I would sit down and catch up. Here lately, it seems as though I don't stop. OR, I keep going until I am so exhausted all I do is stop...I call those crash and burn days. February is such a busy month for me that I tend to do that a lot!

So, what has been going on? My darling daughter got a role in the Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella that her home high school is doing this semester. Rehearsals and getting back and forth is keeping me hopping! She got her drivers license yesterday, so this will help a bit, but she and I are still sharing a car. Not sure how much this is going to change things in the running her back and forth department.

My son is doing his student teaching this semester, so he has his sister's car. Seems the last semester is the most expensive. Every time I turn around there is more money to be spent on senior fees, Praxis exams etc... Aaargh!

I gave myself two physical challenges. One in January and one this month. Last month, I started with one little push up and added one each day until the end of the month. I have kept up with three sets of 10 every workout since. This month, I have started with one lunge (both legs) and am adding one each day until I get to 28. My ankles and legs are really weak, so I am definitely feeling this!

My kitchen is coming along great! On each rainy and/or snowy weekends, I have been painting a set of cabinets. They look great.  I am very proud of them. When I am finished with all of them, I will buy new hard ware and then start on the back splash! In the meantime, my poor oven is dying a slow and laborious death. I am going in search of a new one soon. Hopefully, I can find a new refrigerator that I can afford as well. I would like to put the old one in the garage to store beverages and extras. We will see.

So, that is it...that is what has been going on around here as of late.
