Rachael's trip

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

Well, here it is New Year's Eve again. Will we all fall for the hype about New Year's Resolutions? How many New Year's Resolutions are actually kept after Day 1?

Gee - I just want to get through graduate school.

Do you remember the Twilight Zone episode in which the librarian finally gets enough time to read the books? I feel like that. I never get to read what I want to read. I have to read all that theory! YUCK.

However, I did read an interesting article this morning about using iTunes in schools. I just know we should be utilizing that technology in a more efficient manner, I am just not sure how to go about this using my own teaching style and the limited technology and access that we have at our school.

Almost all of my students have an iPod or MP3 player of some sort. Wouldn't it be great if we could assign podcasts as outside "reading"? What about creating their own podcasts? I know this is doable...just gotta get the higher ups to listen.

Yep, put that on my to do list for AFTER graduate school.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I am now trying the podcast thing. I have a couple of Rachael's singing engagements that I thought I would share. I will add more as she sings more.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Deleted Blogs

Since I think the title of this blog allows me to write about many topics, I have decided to delete the other blogs and concentrate all my writings here.

I traveled so much in July that I haven't really had a chance to write much. Hopefully, I will remedy that soon.

Until then, here is a picture from my training in Washington, DC.

Monday, June 30, 2008

I wonders

I wonder what life is like on Mars. I wonder if I will ever get to do anything that will make an impact on future. I wonder if I will ever get this weight off. I wonder.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

proud mother

I just can't seem to remember when I realized my little baby had grown into this handsome, caring young man. I am so proud to be his mother. It just seems like yesterday when I was holding my new baby in my arms at my parents house just crying because I didn't know I could love someone so much. I still do.
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June 14, 2008

I am wide awake and kickin' at 5:00 in the morning. I don't know why I am up so early - just am. I need a little coffee to get me started but, other than that, I feel pretty rested and ready to go.

I just looked outside at my new solar light/windchimes. To tell you the truth, I put them together yesterday and forgot about them. I can't believe how pretty they are! I didn't realize the light would change color. What a pleasant surprise!

Today I hope to start a "Summer To Do" list on Google Docs to get us started on things that need to be done around here. I'm not sure what exactly will get done, but there is no harm in trying is there?

Off to get coffee....

Friday, June 13, 2008

Truly Sad

Yesterday was truly sad. Many teachers are being reassigned next year due to the fact that we have not made AYP.

Supposedly data was used to determine who needed to work in another school. I understand that we had been warned time and time again. BUT, I still have to say that this was one of the saddest days in my teaching career. At one point, I had to go hang out in the library so that I could just cry.

I don't want to go in today. So many connections are just lost.

I feel like I have no connections here because all of mine are in West Virginia. What few I had have been ripped out from under. After 10 years in this place, I have to start creating new connections. I hate this.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

In Atlanta June 10

I came to Atlanta with my husband who is attending an engineering conference. There is a nice little guest program for those of us who don't speak engineer.

Yesterday we went to the CocaCola headquarters. I am amazed at the fascinating history and geography that I learned there. I am totally inspired to write a lesson plan about the geography of Coke. I want to contact the company and ask for some research materials to help me do that. I was hoping for a book in the gift shop, but I just couldn't find one.

We also went to the Georgia Aquarium. I really liked watching the Beluga Whales. However, my favorite is and always will be the penguins. Can you believe that there are penguins in South Africa? I was amazed. BUT, if you look at a map, it makes sense because these South African penguins share latitude with Patagonian Penguins. (Or so it seemed on the world map posted at the exhibit.)