Rachael's trip

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

In Atlanta June 10

I came to Atlanta with my husband who is attending an engineering conference. There is a nice little guest program for those of us who don't speak engineer.

Yesterday we went to the CocaCola headquarters. I am amazed at the fascinating history and geography that I learned there. I am totally inspired to write a lesson plan about the geography of Coke. I want to contact the company and ask for some research materials to help me do that. I was hoping for a book in the gift shop, but I just couldn't find one.

We also went to the Georgia Aquarium. I really liked watching the Beluga Whales. However, my favorite is and always will be the penguins. Can you believe that there are penguins in South Africa? I was amazed. BUT, if you look at a map, it makes sense because these South African penguins share latitude with Patagonian Penguins. (Or so it seemed on the world map posted at the exhibit.)

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