Yesterday was the semi-annual great refrigerator/freezer clean out at my house. Now, not that I don't clean out my refrigerator periodically - but, twice a year, I take everything out, even the shelves, wash the refrigerator down inside and out, and put everything back. I do this over Christmas break and then 1 time in the summer.
Its amazing to me the little bits of leftovers I can find that no longer look like human food. Things that have been hiding in the deep recesses of the far back upper shelf! What was that round green thing? Who knows what it must have been in its former life?
The darned refrigerator is the kind that beeps at you when you leave the door open. So amidst all the hard work, I have the negative reinforcement of that darned beeping going off. Even though I could intellectualize that this beeper could be ignored...I found myself trying to work quickly so that I could get the door shut and not have to listen to its incessant tone. After awhile, I heard myself arguing with the nagging beeper - "I'll be done when I'm done...", I told the cruel beeper over and over again. It was almost as bad as arguing with the GPS when I miss a turn off. (But that's a completely different blog post all together.)
All in all, the day was a productive one, I finished the refrigerator/freezer, went swimming and even managed to put together a nice supper. This stay at home mom stuff is for the birds! When does school start? I need the rest!
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