Rachael's trip

Sunday, April 26, 2009

End of the semester

This is my final full semester of graduate school. As I reflect on this 2 year journey I realize just how much I have learned.

Experience had taught me a great deal about these squirmy people we call middle schoolers but, graduate school confirmed what my instincts were telling me. I learned so many new strategies like backwards planning and creating integrated units. I learned that intrinsic motivation is more important and that all young adolescents not only develop at different rates physically, but emotionally as well. I also learned how to conduct my own teacher research study.

I learned that all middle school teachers are a little nuts. We were a group of around 15 middle school teachers who's experience ranged from 2 - 25 years. It is amazing all the talent that was in that room on any given night. I am honored just to have spent the past two years learning with them all.

After a five week session in summer school, I will finally have earned that Master's Degree. I am glad that I have done it and given the opportunity - I believe I would do it again.


Kandy said...

congrats you big nerd!! loves ya

Patricia said...

Jeanie....We Made It!!!!!
Thank you for all of your help! I so enjoyed the projects that we worked on together and learned SOOO much from you! I enjoy having you as a co-worker and friend!

Sharon said...

Thanks for the great workshop today. I enjoyed learning and setting my own blog. Your blog looks great. Have a good week.

Chuccislab said...

I am happy for you. I know how great it is to be finished.